mie., 16 dec.
Machine Learning (I)
Get the fundamentals right! This course will gradually get you up to speed with machine learning. You'll learn the relevant tools and by the end of it, be able to compete on Kaggle and apply ML to your day-to-day job. 5th Edition, Cluj-Napoca. Price: 220 EUR / month Length: 2 months
Time & Location
16 dec. 2020, 18:30
Price: 220 EUR / month
Length: 2 months
440 EUR / module (10% discount for first 3 registrations)
The course agenda is as follows:
- ML project lifecycle
- Problem definition
- Dataset preparation
- Feature selection / preparation
- Feature engineering
- Feature importance
- Model debugging
- Error analysis
- Strategies to avoid over-fitting
- Best practices / Tips and tricks
- Linear models
- Linear regression
- Logistical regression
- Naive Bayes
- NLP (natural language processing)
- Tree models
- DecisionTrees
- RandomForests
- GradientBoostedTrees
- Neural Networks
- Multilayer perceptrons
The sessions:
- Due to current restrictions regarding COVID-19 we'll be holding the events online through Google Meet
- Once a week begging at 18:30
- Each session will be 2h long
- There will be homework to be done, but the feedback will be private
- This course requires a minimum commitment of 8h / week for self study (excluding the time spend at the workshops)
*Regulament General privind protecția datelor:
Prin completarea acestui formular de înregistrare cu datele dumneavoastră personale, vă asigurăm că respectăm legislația UE privind Regulamentul general privind protecția datelor (GDPR). Consimțământul dumneavoastră reflectă trecerea numelui și informațiile de contact in baza de date a companiei.
Dorim să vă asigurăm că datele personale colectate și prelucrate de noi NU sunt transmise terților în scopuri de marketing sau în alte scopuri decât cele pentru care au fost colectate.