mie., 26 mar.
Reinforcement Learning
Learn to build, train and debug reinforcement learning models. 750 € + VAT / 5 Workshops
Time & Location
26 mar. 2025, 18:00 – 20:00
Price: 550 € +VAT
Length: 1 month / 5 workshops
This course will focus exclusively on neural networks architectures and deep learning!
The course agenda is as follows:
* Multilayer perceptrons (MLP)
* Backpropagation
* Embeddings
* Convolutional Neural Networks
* Residual Networks
* Recurrent Neural Networks
* Attention models
* Transformers
* Diffusion models
* Large Language models
Topics and problems that will be modelled:
Image classification
Topic modelling
Recommendation engines
Machine translation
Text generation
Generative models
The sessions:
Once a week begging at 18:00
There will be homework to be done, but the feedback will be private
This course requires a minimum commitment of 8h / week for self-study (excluding the time spent at the workshops)
* Completion of the "Basics of Machine Learning" module is highly encouraged!
** This module requires generic ML knowledge as a prerequisite. There might be a short certification quiz in order to be accepted in class.
*** Regulament General privind protecția datelor:
Prin completarea acestui formular de înregistrare cu datele dumneavoastră personale, vă asigurăm că respectăm legislația UE privind Regulamentul general privind protecția datelor (GDPR). Consimțământul dumneavoastră reflectă trecerea numelui și informațiile de contact in baza de date a companiei.
Dorim să vă asigurăm că datele personale colectate și prelucrate de noi NU sunt transmise terților în scopuri de marketing sau în alte scopuri decât cele pentru care au fost colectate.